We all deserve the opportunity to build our own version of the American dream.
In an age of hyper-partisanship and endless gridlock, I fundamentally and sincerely believe there is more that brings us together than pulls us apart. At the end of the day, we all want the same thing: to be safe and healthy, to provide for ourselves and our family, and to leave the world a better place for our children and their children.
In 2017, my life changed forever when I was diagnosed with cancer. With the help of my family, the power of prayer, and importantly, outstanding medical care, I am grateful to be able to say I am cancer-free today. But in that time, I saw firsthand how an unexpected health event can rock a family.
Every person in Arkansas deserves access to quality, affordable health care. In life, health comes first. Without our health, we can’t work, we can’t support our families, our kids can’t grow and learn, and we can’t live happy or productive lives. That is why I worked hard in the Arkansas House to preserve Medicaid expansion in Arkansas, and why I will work tirelessly to make sure every Arkansan has quality, affordable health coverage.
Access to a quality education is access to opportunity. Our education is something that can never be taken from us. From pre-K through college and job training, a quality education system is the backbone of a good society.
Because of the way the brain develops, a good early start can make or break the chances for our kids to succeed later in life; this is why every child should be able to attend pre-K. We must support the heroes of our K-12 education system, teachers, so that they can be in the best position to make a difference in their students’ lives. And we have to make post-secondary education, whether college or job training, affordable and accessible to every Arkansan. In the state senate, I will work to make this vision a reality.
A job brings more to an individual, to a family, and to a community than any check could ever deliver. And as many national political leaders tout a bustling economy, many families here in Arkansas are still struggling.
If you work full-time in Arkansas, you should be able to afford life’s basic needs. As policymakers, we must ensure that this is the case in every community. And we can do that by investing in infrastructure, including high-speed internet access in all corners of the state, supporting our small businesses and working families, and ensuring that people have jobs and that those jobs pay a living wage.
We must also work to create an economic environment that supports families through paid family leave programs and by ensuring that all parents who want or need to work have access to quality child-care programs.
Environment & Energy
There is no denying humans’ effect on our environment. As residents of the Natural State, we must take this responsibility seriously and set an example for the nation to follow. From fighting the pressing threat of climate change to cleaning up our waterways and air, we must take action to protect our planet, its resources, and beauty.
We must also take advantage of the unique opportunity we have to generate clean energy here in Arkansas, while working to promote and incentivize all forms of advanced energy, including energy efficiency. These initiatives will protect our environment, stimulate the economy, and create jobs all at the same time.
Safety & Justice
While the U.S. represents 4.5% of the world’s population, nearly 25% of the world’s prisoners are behind American bars. Our criminal justice system is broken. Non-violent offenders are in jail for far too long, racial biases persist at every level of the system, and our recidivism rates are unconscionable. We can and must do better.
We must also address the epidemic of gun violence in our country. If another generation of children goes to school every day with their families fearing for their lives, we will have failed them. We cannot let that happen.
Good Government
Our government was created to be a representative democracy founded on the premise that the electoral system creating that democracy actually represents the people’s interests on a fair and proportionate basis. The unfortunate reality is that money and other corrupt influences have infected our system. That infection spreads to every single public policy issue and consolidates power disproportionately in the hands of special interests.
We can and must change the system to better reflect the foundational ideals of our country. I have published some of my thoughts on how to do so in the Arkansas Times.
All Americans must be treated equally under the law, again no matter what we look like, where we’re from, or who we love. Every Arkansan has a stake in our future and each deserves the fullest opportunity to contribute to and share in our collective prosperity.
We are well past the time when a woman should earn equal pay for doing the same work as a man. The unfortunate reality is that that is not the case, and it’s even worse for women of color. This is unacceptable, and we must change it.
We must also work to ensure that American veterans receive not only equal treatment in our society, but that they receive the respect and care that these heroes have earned. Our state must provide job training and job opportunities for veterans, play a meaningful role in veterans’ healthcare, and provide housing when necessary.

“I believe in empowering our state’s families, workers, seniors, and children by working across the aisle to get things done. As a former state representative, I did exactly that to increase access to health care for families, education for children, and economic opportunity for workers across Arkansas.”
— Clarke Tucker
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